The Life and Death of the Luftwaffe by Wener Baumbach


Remarkable saga of the rise and fall of one of history's great air forces, as told by one of its most decorated and honored officers, Werner Baumbach. A key figure in the aerial campaigns over England, Russia, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic, Baumbach became head of the Luftwaffe's Bomber Command before his thirtieth birthday. In Life and Death he gives a detailed, frank, inside account of Germany's air war, seen from the top: Hitler as leader and strategist; assessments of such Luftwaffe leaders as Göring, Milch, Udet, Jeschonnek, and Galland; and the great controversies over tactics and strategy that helped decide the war.

Condition: Good

Pages: 224 Paperback

Dimensions: 4-1/4x7

Author: Werner Baumbach

Publisher: Ballantine Books

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Remarkable saga of the rise and fall of one of history's great air forces, as told by one of its most decorated and honored officers, Werner Baumbach. A key figure in the aerial campaigns over England, Russia, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic, Baumbach became head of the Luftwaffe's Bomber Command before his thirtieth birthday. In Life and Death he gives a detailed, frank, inside account of Germany's air war, seen from the top: Hitler as leader and strategist; assessments of such Luftwaffe leaders as Göring, Milch, Udet, Jeschonnek, and Galland; and the great controversies over tactics and strategy that helped decide the war.

Condition: Good

Pages: 224 Paperback

Dimensions: 4-1/4x7

Author: Werner Baumbach

Publisher: Ballantine Books

Remarkable saga of the rise and fall of one of history's great air forces, as told by one of its most decorated and honored officers, Werner Baumbach. A key figure in the aerial campaigns over England, Russia, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic, Baumbach became head of the Luftwaffe's Bomber Command before his thirtieth birthday. In Life and Death he gives a detailed, frank, inside account of Germany's air war, seen from the top: Hitler as leader and strategist; assessments of such Luftwaffe leaders as Göring, Milch, Udet, Jeschonnek, and Galland; and the great controversies over tactics and strategy that helped decide the war.

Condition: Good

Pages: 224 Paperback

Dimensions: 4-1/4x7

Author: Werner Baumbach

Publisher: Ballantine Books

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