Hidden in Plain Sight by Anthony Tellier


"Hidden In Plain Sight" (HiPS) is an opinionated-but-detailed guide book to the non-tourist sights in Berlin --WWII and postwar -- by an Arizona engineer. Locate the surrender house; the "Fun House" bunker; a locomotive w/ a swastika; red marble from the Reich Chancellery; "The Night of the Long Knives"; The Fasla Pub ...

HiPS explains how to get there ... the bus skeds; addresses; train times; tour effort/time; the beers to drink. "Breath in, breath out" to reach the places shown in the pictures. And more.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 158 Paperback

Dimensions: 5x9

Author: Anthony Tellier

Publisher: El Chinero Press

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"Hidden In Plain Sight" (HiPS) is an opinionated-but-detailed guide book to the non-tourist sights in Berlin --WWII and postwar -- by an Arizona engineer. Locate the surrender house; the "Fun House" bunker; a locomotive w/ a swastika; red marble from the Reich Chancellery; "The Night of the Long Knives"; The Fasla Pub ...

HiPS explains how to get there ... the bus skeds; addresses; train times; tour effort/time; the beers to drink. "Breath in, breath out" to reach the places shown in the pictures. And more.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 158 Paperback

Dimensions: 5x9

Author: Anthony Tellier

Publisher: El Chinero Press

"Hidden In Plain Sight" (HiPS) is an opinionated-but-detailed guide book to the non-tourist sights in Berlin --WWII and postwar -- by an Arizona engineer. Locate the surrender house; the "Fun House" bunker; a locomotive w/ a swastika; red marble from the Reich Chancellery; "The Night of the Long Knives"; The Fasla Pub ...

HiPS explains how to get there ... the bus skeds; addresses; train times; tour effort/time; the beers to drink. "Breath in, breath out" to reach the places shown in the pictures. And more.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 158 Paperback

Dimensions: 5x9

Author: Anthony Tellier

Publisher: El Chinero Press

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