Elite 157 - The German Home Front 1939-45 by Brian L Davis


Osprey's examination of Germany's home front situation during World War II (1939-1945). At the outbreak of war in 1939 Germany was committed to the concept of Blitzkrieg - a swift and decisive war. Yet, the reality became something very different as every corner of German society was hit by the realities of war.

This book details the critical civilian support that was necessary to maintain Nazi control of the civilian population and includes first-hand accounts of the experiences of civilians who suffered at the hands of their own government as well as enduring the deprivations and fears of wartime life. With analysis and descriptions of civil and home services, from air raid wardens to postwomen, this book provides a detailed, lavishly illustrated description of wartime life in Germany, exploring the tentacles of the Nazi state as they affected every man, woman and child.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 64 Paperback

Dimensions: 7-1/4x9-3/4

Author: Brian L Davis

Publisher: Osprey

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Osprey's examination of Germany's home front situation during World War II (1939-1945). At the outbreak of war in 1939 Germany was committed to the concept of Blitzkrieg - a swift and decisive war. Yet, the reality became something very different as every corner of German society was hit by the realities of war.

This book details the critical civilian support that was necessary to maintain Nazi control of the civilian population and includes first-hand accounts of the experiences of civilians who suffered at the hands of their own government as well as enduring the deprivations and fears of wartime life. With analysis and descriptions of civil and home services, from air raid wardens to postwomen, this book provides a detailed, lavishly illustrated description of wartime life in Germany, exploring the tentacles of the Nazi state as they affected every man, woman and child.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 64 Paperback

Dimensions: 7-1/4x9-3/4

Author: Brian L Davis

Publisher: Osprey

Osprey's examination of Germany's home front situation during World War II (1939-1945). At the outbreak of war in 1939 Germany was committed to the concept of Blitzkrieg - a swift and decisive war. Yet, the reality became something very different as every corner of German society was hit by the realities of war.

This book details the critical civilian support that was necessary to maintain Nazi control of the civilian population and includes first-hand accounts of the experiences of civilians who suffered at the hands of their own government as well as enduring the deprivations and fears of wartime life. With analysis and descriptions of civil and home services, from air raid wardens to postwomen, this book provides a detailed, lavishly illustrated description of wartime life in Germany, exploring the tentacles of the Nazi state as they affected every man, woman and child.

Condition: Like New

Pages: 64 Paperback

Dimensions: 7-1/4x9-3/4

Author: Brian L Davis

Publisher: Osprey

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